At Optimum Healthcare Australia, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality allied health services tailored to your unique needs.

As we embark on this collaborative journey, we believe it is essential to outline both your rights and responsibilities, as well as those of our company.

Your Rights

Quality Care

You have the right to receive high-quality, client-focused care from our team of dedicated professionals in physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech pathology in a timely manner that meets your needs.

Dignity and Respect:

We are committed to treating you with the utmost respect and dignity, recognizing your individuality and cultural background.

Informed Decisions:

We will communicate clearly, openly and honestly to ensure you are fully informed about your condition, the proposed interventions, and alternative options, enabling you to make informed decisions about your care.

Privacy and Confidentiality:

Your privacy is of the utmost importance to us. We will maintain the confidentiality of your personal information in accordance with privacy laws and industry standards.

Choice and Consent:

You have the right to participate in decisions about your care, including the right to refuse treatment. Your consent will be sought before any interventions are implemented.


Your feedback is valuable to us. If you have suggestions, concerns, or praise, please share them with us. We are committed to working with you to resolve problems promptly.

Your Responsibilities

Courtesy and Respect:

You will treat us with courtesy and respect at all time, recognizing their dedication to your well-being. You will respect the rights and safety of our employees and contractors, including ensuring the workspace is tidy and smoke-free workspace and restraining of any pets.


Follow the agreed-upon treatment plan and recommendations to the best of your ability. If you have difficulties or concerns, please discuss them with your healthcare provider.


Open and honest communication is key to a successful partnership. Please communicate any changes in your condition, preferences, personal circumstances or concerns promptly.

Cancellation Notice:

You will value our time and adhere to scheduled appointments or provide at least 24 hours notice of any changes.

Sufficient funding

You will ensure there are sufficient funds to pay for the service requested.  This also includes letting us know if your funding (HCP/NDIS) is suspended, replaced or you not longer qualify for the service.


Ensure timely payment for services as outlined in our agreement. If you have questions about billing or financial matters, please contact our administrative team.

It’s all working together!

At Optimum Healthcare Australia, we strive for a partnership built on trust and transparency. By understanding and respecting each other’s rights and responsibilities, we can work together to achieve the best possible outcomes for your health and well-being.

Should you have any questions or require clarification on any aspect of this outline, please do not hesitate to contact our team. We look forward to a collaborative and successful journey together.

Our Services


Comprehensive service to help you move better and be your best self.

Occupational Therapy

Build skillsets and confidence to function and engage in all aspects of your life!

Speech Pathology

Comprehensive service helping with all aspects of communication and swallowing difficulties.


Treating muscles and joints to reduce pain, aid healing and helping you feel your best!

Massage Therapy

Soft tissue techniques to help you manage pain and optimise comfort.  

Allied Health Assistants

Promote maintenance of learned skills towards long term health and wellbeing.